Compendium of CSS Classes Used in Applications

The following CSS classes are used by all page styles.

Master Page Styles

Page Button Styles

Horizontal Multi-Level Menu Styles

Vertical Multi-Level Menu Styles

Classic Horizontal Classic Menu Styles

Vertical Classic Menu Styles

Panel Body Styles

Button / Pagination Bar Styles

Data Grid Styles

Detail Rollover Popup Styles

Master Page Styles

.pcT { /* page container top center edge (header container) */ }

.pcL { /* page container left middle edge (vertical menu container) */ }

.pcC { /* page container center (contents of page container) */ }

.pcB { /* page container bottom center edge (footer container) */ }

Page Button Styles

.bTL { /* theme button top left edge */ }

.bT { /* theme button top center edge */ }

.bTR { /* theme button top right edge */ }

.bL { /* theme button left middle edge */ }

.bC { /* theme button center */ }

.bR { /* theme button right middle edge */ }

.bBL { /* theme button bottom left edge */ }

.bB { /* theme button bottom center edge */ }

.bBR { /* theme button bottom right edge */ }

a.button_link { /* link text of free-standing button */ }

a.button_link:hover { /* link text of free-standing button hover state */ }

.thc a.button_link { /* link text of button in column header cell */ }

.thc a.button_link:hover { /* link text of button in column header cell hover state */ }

.tic a.button_link { /* link text of button in data grid row button cell */ }

.tic a.button_link:hover { /* link text of button in data grid row button cell hover state */ }

.ttc a.button_link { /* link text of button in data grid data cell */ }

.ttc a.button_link:hover { /* link text of button in data grid data cell hover state */ }

.prbg a.button_link { /* link text of button within pagination row */ }

.prbg a.button_link:hover { /* link text of button within pagination row hover state */ }

Horizontal Multi-Level Menu Styles

.MLMmenuAlign { /* horizontal menu container alignment */ }

.MLMmenu { /* horizontal menu container */ }

.MLMmenusub { /* horizontal submenu container (menu leaves) */ }

.MLMmC { /* horizontal menu item link text */ }

.MLMmoC:hover, .MLMmoC:hover a, .MLMmoC { /* horizontal menu item link text hover state */ }

.MLMsubmC { /* horizontal submenu item link text */ }

.MLMsubmoC { /* horizontal submenu item link text hover state */ }

.MLMmbbg { /* horizontal menu bottom trim */ }

Vertical Multi-Level Menu Styles

.MLMmenuVAlign { /* vertical menu container alignment */ }

.MLMmenuV { /* vertical menu container */ }

.MLMmenuVsub { /* vertical submenu container (menu leaves) */ }

.MLMmvC { /* vertical menu item link text */ }

.MLMmvC:hover, .MLMmvC:hover a, .MLMmvoC { /* vertical menu item link text hover state */ }

.MLMsubmvC { /* vertical submenu item link text */ }

.MLMsubmvoC { /* vertical submenu item link text hover state */ }

.MLMmveTL { /* vertical menu top left edge */ }

.MLMmveT { /* vertical menu top center edge */ }

.MLMmveTR { /* vertical menu top right edge */ }

.MLMmveBL { /* vertical menu bottom left edge */ }

.MLMmveB { /* vertical menu bottom center edge */ }

.MLMmveBR { /* vertical menu bottom right edge */ }

Classic Horizontal Classic Menu Styles

.menus { /* horizontal menu container */ }

.menu { /* horizontal/vertical menu item text */ } { /* horizontal/vertical menu item link text */ } { /* horizontal/vertical menu item link text hover state */ }

.moTL { /* horizontal menu highlighted item top right edge */ }

.moT { /* horizontal menu highlighted item top center edge */ }

.moTR { /* horizontal menu highlighted item top right edge */ }

.moL { /* horizontal menu highlighted item left middle edge */ }

.moC { /* horizontal menu highlighted item center */ }

.moR { /* horizontal menu highlighted item right middle edge */ }

.moBL { /* horizontal menu highlighted item bottom left edge */ }

.moB { /* horizontal menu highlighted item bottom center edge */ }

.moBR { /* horizontal menu highlighted item bottom right edge */ }

.moC a { /* horizontal menu highlighted item link text */ }

.mTL { /* horizontal menu item top right edge */ }

.mT { /* horizontal menu item top center edge */ }

.mTR { /* horizontal menu item top right edge */ }

.mL { /* horizontal menu item left middle edge */ }

.mC { /* horizontal menu item center */ }

.mR { /* horizontal menu item right middle edge */ }

.mBL { /* horizontal menu item bottom left edge */ }

.mB { /* horizontal menu item bottom center edge */ }

.mBR { /* horizotnal menu item bottom right edge */ }

.mel { /* horizontal menu container left edge */ }

.mer { /* horizontal menu container right edge */ }

.mbbg { /* horizontal menu bottom trim */ }

Vertical Classic Menu Styles

.menusV { /* vertical menu container */

.menu { /* horizontal/vertical menu item text */ } { /* horizontal/vertical menu item link text */ } { /* horizontal/vertical menu item link text hover state */ }

.mvoTL { /* vertical menu highlighted item top right edge */ }

.mvoT { /* vertical menu highlighted item top center edge */ }

.mvoTR { /* vertical menu highlighted item top right edge */ }

.mvoL { /* vertical menu highlighted item left middle edge */ }

.mvoC { /* vertical menu highlighted item center */ }

.mvoR { /* vertical menu highlighted item right middle edge */ }

.mvoBL { /* vertical menu highlighted item bottom left edge */ }

.mvoB { /* vertical menu highlighted item bottom center edge */ }

.mvoBR { /* vertical menu highlighted item bottom right edge */ }

.mvoC a { /* vertical menu highlighted item link text */ }

.mvoC a:hover { /* vertical menu highlighted item link text hover state */ }

.mvTL { /* vertical menu item top left edge */ }

.mvT { /* vertical menu item top center edge */ }

.mvTR { /* vertical menu item top right edge */ }

.mvL { /* vertical menu item left middle edge */ }

.mvC { /* vertical menu item center */ }

.mvR { /* vertical menu item right middle edge */ }

.mvBL { /* vertical menu item bottom left edge */ }

.mvB { /* vertical menu item bottom center edge */ }

.mvBR { /* vertical menu item bottom right edge */ }

.mvC a { /* vertical menu item link text */ }

.mvC a:hover { /* vertical menu item link text hover state */ }

Panel Body Styles

.dBody { /* panel content container (excludes panel header) */ }

.dBody2 { /* alternate panel content container (excludes panel header) */ }

.dBodyShowSelectRecordDivider { /* deprecated */ }

.dfv { /* panel field value text */ }

.dh { /* panel header container */ }

.dhb { /* panel header */ }

.dht { /* panel header title text */ }

.dhtr { /* deprecated: record panel header title text */ }

.dhel { /* panel header left edge */ }

.dher { /* panel header right edge */ }

.dhi { /* panel header add/edit/show icon container */ }

.dhir { /* record panel header add/edit/show icon container */ }

.dheci { /* panel header expand/collapse icon container */ }

.dhpei { /* panel header print/email icon container */ }

.dhtrc { /* panel header total record count container */ }

.dhtrct { /* panel header total record count text */ }

.dv { /* panel container (includes panel header) */ }

.dv2 { /* nested panel container (includes panel header) */ }

.c { /* category filter container */ }

.ca { /* category filter */ }

.ca A { /* category filter link text */ }

.ca A:hover { /* category filter link text hover state */ }

.scl { /* category filter label */ }

.sc SELECT { /* category filter drop-down list */ }

.rpbAlign { /* page buttons alignment */ }

.buttonPadding { /* page buttons padding */ }

.fl { /* field label (on top) */ }

.fls { /* field lable on side */ }

.fv { /* field value */ }

.fi { /* input textbox */ }

.filv { /* filter value */ }

.filbc { /* filter button container */ }

.fili { /* filter drop-down list */ }

.fila { /* filter label */ }

.sa { /* search area container */ }

.sl { /* search label */ }

.si { /* search textbox */ }

.rft { /* range filter label */ }

Button / Pagination Bar Styles

.prbbc { /* button bar button container */ }

.prbg { /* pagination row button container */ }

.pra { /* pagination row container */ }

.pr { /* button bar/pagination row container */ }

.prel { /* button bar/pagination row left edge */ }

.prer { /* button bar/pagination row right edge */ }

Data Grid Styles

.thc { /* column header container */ }

.thcnb { /* column header container (above row buttons) */ }

.thcwb { /* column header container (above select checkbox) */ }

.thce { /* column header container (when no column header text is present) */ }

.tch { /* column header text */ }

.tch A, .tchs A { /* column header link text */ }

.tch A:hover, .tchs A:hover { /* column header link text hover state */ }

.tchs { /* column header (in scrolling table) link text */ }

.tchfilp { /* above column filter container */ }

.tchfilp A { /* above column filter link text */ }

.tchfilp A:hover { /* above column filter link text hover state */ }

.tic, .taic { /* deprecated: data grid row button container */ }

.tich, .taich { /* deprecated: data grid row button container highlighted state */ }

.tics { /* deprecated: data grid row button container selected state */ }

.ticnb { /* data grid row button container */ }

.tichnb { /* data grid row button container highlighted state */ }

.ticsnb { /* data grid row button container selected state */ }

.ticwb { /* data grid select checkbox container */ }

.tichwb { /* data grid select checkbox container highlighted state */ }

.ticswb { /* data grid select checkbox container selected state */ }

.tichb { /* data grid right-most row button container (when no select checkbox is present) */ }

.tichhb { /* data grid right-most row button container (when no select checkbox is present) highlighted state */ }

.ticshb { /* data grid right-most row button container (when no select checkbox is present) selected state */ }

.tice { /* data grid row button container (when no row button is present) */ }

.tiche { /* data grid row button container (when no row button is present) highlighted state */ }

.ticse { /* data grid row button container (when no row button is present) selected state */ }

.ttc, .tatc { /* data grid data container */ }

.ttch, .tatch { /* data grid data container highlighted state */ }

.ttcs { /* data grid data container selected state */ }

.ttc a, .tatc a, .ttch a, .tatch a, .ttcs a, .dfv a, .dialog_field_value a { /* data grid data link text */ }

.ttc a:hover, .tatc a:hover, .ttch a:hover, .tatch a:hover, .ttcs a:hover, .dfv a:hover, .dialog_field_value a:hover { /* data grid data link text hover state */ }

.ttc .dv, .ttch .dv, .ttcs .dv { /* panel container nested within data grid */ }

.ttc .ajax__tab_xp, .ttch .ajax__tab_xp, .ttcs .ajax__tab_xp { /* tab container nested within data grid */ }

.tpttc { /* data grid totals container */ }

.tpttcv { /* data grid totals text */ }

.tptl { /* data grid page totals label */ }.tptv { /* data grid page totals text */ }

.tgtl { /* data grid grand total label */ }

.tgtv { /* data grid grand total text */ }

.tre { /* data grid container */ }

Detail Rollover Popup Styles

.detailRolloverPopup { /* detail rollover popup container */ }

.detailRolloverTitle { /* detail rollover popup title */ }

.detailRolloverPopupCloseButtonAlignment { /* detail rollover popup close button container */ }

.detailRolloverTL { /* detail rollover popup top left edge */ }

.detailRolloverT { /* detail rollover popup top center edge */ }

.detailRolloverTR { /* detail rollover popup top right edge */ }

.detailRolloverL { /* detail rollover popup left middle edge */ }

.detailRolloverC { /* detail rollover popup center */ }

.detailRolloverR { /* detail rollover popup right middle edge */ }

.detailRolloverBL { /* detail rollover popup bottom left edge */ }

.detailRolloverB { /* detail rollover popup bottom center edge */ }

.detailRolloverBR { /* detail rollover popup bottom right edge */ }

Pagination control style details

By default, the pagination control is right-justified.

To set the control to be left-justified, the following needs to be updated on a per-panel basis:

(1) Change the class of the cell containing the “ButtonBarEdgeR.gif” image from “prspace” to “prbbc” (see the following image).

(2) Insert a new column to the right of the cell containing the pagination control; set its class to “prspace” (see the following image”).

(3) If in “BaseStyles.css”, the class “pra” has a “width: 100%” attribute, comment it out.


See Also

Customizing Style Sheets and Page Styles

Creating Your Own Page Style

Compendium of CSS Classes Used in Applications