/// Calls custom stored procedure.
private System.Data.DataSet CallCustomStoredProcedureForGridView()
/// Step 1: Configure parameters for your stored procedure if the stored procedure accepts parameters.
//BaseClasses.Data.StoredProcedureParameter firstParameter = null;
/// For SQL Server: Use parameter type System.Data.SqlDbType
//firstParameter = new BaseClasses.Data.StoredProcedureParameter("@pk_EmployeeID", 5, System.Data.SqlDbType.Int, System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input);
/// For Oracle: Use parameter type System.Data.OracleClient.OracleType
//firstParameter = new BaseClasses.Data.StoredProcedureParameter("@pk_EmployeeID", 5, System.Data.OracleClient.OracleType.Int, System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input);
/// For MySql: Use parameter type MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDbType
//firstParameter = new BaseClasses.Data.StoredProcedureParameter("@pk_EmployeeID", 5, MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDbType.Int, System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, true);
//BaseClasses.Data.StoredProcedureParameter secondParameter = null;
/// For SQL Server: Use parameter type System.Data.SqlDbType
//secondParameter = new BaseClasses.Data.StoredProcedureParameter("@pk_EmployeeLastName", "Smith", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input);
/// For Oracle: Use parameter type System.Data.OracleClient.OracleType
//secondParameter = new BaseClasses.Data.StoredProcedureParameter("@pk_EmployeeLastName", "Smith", System.Data.OracleClient.OracleType.VarChar, System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input);
/// For MySql: Use parameter type MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDbType
//secondParameter = new BaseClasses.Data.StoredProcedureParameter("@pk_EmployeeLastName", "Smith", MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDbType.VarChar, System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, true);
/// Note, in case you need to return output value from the Stored procedure you might use the following code:
/// BaseClasses.Data.StoredProcedureParameter thirdParameter = null;
/// string myvar = "";
/// thirdParameter = New BaseClasses.Data.StoredProcedureParameter("@paramName", myvar, System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output)
/// NOTE: if this parameter has a string type such as varchar, nvarchar, string, etc. you have to set its size:
/// thirdParameter.Size = 10
/// Step 2: Add the configured parameters to an array list.
//BaseClasses.Data.StoredProcedureParameter[] parameterList = new BaseClasses.Data.StoredProcedureParameter[] { firstParameter, secondParameter, thirdParameter };
/// Skip steps 1 and 2 if stored procedure does not accept parameters.
BaseClasses.Data.StoredProcedure myStoredProcedure = null;
myStoredProcedure = new BaseClasses.Data.StoredProcedure("DatabaseNorthwind1", "Stored_Procedure_Name", null);
/// Step 3: If the stored procedure accepts parameters, use the following
/// myStoredProcedure = New BaseClasses.Data.StoredProcedure("DatabaseNorthwind1", "Stored_Procedure_Name", parameterList);
/// Step 4: Run the stored procedure.
/// RunQuery() will return true if stored procedure successfully executed. Otherwise, it will return false.
/// Use RunQuery or RunNonQuery. RunQuery is used when a set of records is being returned. RunNonQuery is used when one or more values are returned through output parameters.
if (myStoredProcedure.RunQuery())
/// If you have output parameter, use code like:
/// System.Data.IDataParameter outputParameter;
/// outputParameter = (System.Data.IDataParameter)(myStoredProcedure.OutputParameters(0));
/// string myText = outputParameter.Value.ToString();
/// Result from stored procedure is available
/// as a DataSet or as an array of RecordValue objects.
return myStoredProcedure.DataSet;
///You can raise an exception in the custom stored procedure and catch the exception and reporting it to the user.
///To raise the exception:
///RAISERROR (N'My custom error message goes here', 11, 1)
///IMPORTANT: If you raise an error that has a severity level of 10 or less, it is considered
///a warning, and no exception is raised. The severity of the error must be between 11 and 20
///for an exception to be thrown.
///Once the exception is raised, you can look at:
///myStoredProcedure.ErrorMessage to get the text of the error message and use RegisterJScriptAlert to report this to the user.
return null;